
Copyright free Tree Rat
Copyright free Tree Rat
Me in my next life
Panay “Cloudrunner” (crateromys heanyi)

This is the central location for musical and other things created by tim p scott. It contains a list of the current catalog of his CD releases, some tracks that can be streamed and possibly downloaded, information about new and upcoming work, historical, technical, philosophical and other rants. The “top” page will have the latest news about musical work and notes about progress towards web site rationality.

This site is also an experiment in “WordPress as CMS [Content Management System]” It turns out it ain’t too bad for that. More information about the technicalities in the “Why?” pages. The main thing is to have a decent broadband connection…

For a musician, it’s really best to pay WordPress for a few upgrade features. If you have your own domain, there’s an elegant tie-in with Google Applications (free!) that allows you to get your domain’s email (e.g., info@example.com). Voila! you have a rough and ready but still pretty capable CMS-based website.

In 2011 I was getting away with about US$45/year but now (2019) with domain link and CSS customization I’m paying $96/year. Every few years I browse around to see if there are better and/or simple offerings for musicians’ web sites but I haven’t gotten excited about any of them yet.

If you need to handle a lot of media (in my case, audio) files, it can be worth it to pay for something like Soundcloud. For instance you can easily and conveniently embed files into WordPress pages. But with enough work you can hammer WordPress’ own tools into shape to serve them up on a limited basis.

Personally I’ve always used CDBaby for physical CD sales and pushing to download sales. Nowadays the sales of CDs is practically nil but CDBaby has kept up with the times and has a lot of options for streaming management.

You do need to learn about CSS to figure out how to customize it,  and a few other details, but overall it’s an efficient, inexpensive, and easy to use approach. I figured the time spent learning CSS would pay for itself in not needed a webmaster.

A designer; well that’s something else. In almost 20 years I’ve never really been happy with the look of any of my websites. This is about as close as I’ve gotten.

Page#10/last edited 2019-06-30