
( 2023-05-20 ) Finally updating some of the ancient data on this page!

This page shows some sites where:

  • you can hear more tim p scott music
  • you can get songs and albums via download
  • you can get actual CDs (or at least, used to be able to!)
  • you can contact us

OK: first of all: where some tps music is:

Last.fm is a cool streaming site (although I understand as of 2010-1 it is becoming a subscription site; that is, you can probably listen to it for free if you are willing to either give up your email address for marketing or listen to the occasional advertisement in the stream.)

CDbaby used to have most tim p scott releases on CD. But they shut down their physical CD store in March 2020 to focus on the current world of digital distribution. So if you have my CDs, treasure them because they are now quite rare! (I know, I don’t play CDs much anymore either.)

That ought to be enough to keep you busy for the monent…

How to contact us:

Email: [this is a non-clickable graphic so spam spiders can’t pick it up]

info address as png graphic

At least the email still works (as of May 2023)

FAX: Can you believe we once had a fax machine? Well, we don’t any more!

Physical Mail: For many many years our mailing address was a P.O. box in San Diego. But that was released in 2009. Please don’t use it anymore! Please write us via email at the address shown above in the little graphic.

Gradually, we’ll add all the links to last.fm, amiestreet.com, amazon.com, acidplanet, soundclick, etc. where you can listen to and purchase the music online

Page#50 / last modified 20 May 2023