Monthly Archives: January 2009 and email

I was worried I painted myself into a corner there for a minute, but was better than I thought.

I didn’t read FAQs carefully enough to realize that they didn’t support email (even though they clearly state it in their support faq).

Fortunately, they implemented some sort of deal with Google Apps to hook Gmail with WordPress, so now tims [ at ] crow-caw [ dot ] com which used to work years ago is now up and listening again! [ as of Jan 15, 2009 ] . Hopefully this will be a good solution for a long time.

There’s also a new account “info [ at ] crow-caw [ dot ] com” which I’ll try to encourage as the main Crow Caw account…

What happened to the old web site?!

For those of you who visited within the last 5 years, something has obviously changed. It was time to revamp the look and organization of the site so it made more sense and was easier to update. (Not to mention cheaper to run!)

For the time being, for those who need instant gratification, I’ll have a few things to listen to on the page “40-Listen“. To hear a lot more, buy downloads or CDs, see the page “50-Where?

The site is now hosted and powered by, and is built around the “Sandbox-10” theme and a whole bunch of custom CSS. For those of you who care about such things, I’ll eventually explain all the trials and tribulations of that on the page “70-Site Stuff.”

I guess the other technical thing I need to say is that will still get you to my web site, but it does it by redirecting to “” (and then to “”). Hopefully that all goes on “behind the scenes” and won’t really bother anyone, I think, unless they had something bookmarked like or which probably won’t work anymore.

Site impressiveness level: 85%

16 Apr 2009: site impressiveness level: 85%

Just kidding, of course: actually, I’m happy with progress. What is actually a little depressing now is the fact that the site doesn’t look the same when I use Internet Explorer and the new browsers Firefox and Chrome, which more and more people are using. I don’t know a way to write the CSS design for the site to make it look good in all the browsers.