36-Canciones de mi hermano electrónico [2006]

Canciones de mi hermano electrónico (“Songs of my electronic brother”) is the most recent full length CD release from tim p scott. It represents a progression in both musical and production sophistication. It is also available at CD Baby

CD Baby also works with many online music vendors (including the big ones like iTunes and Rhapsody) and music from this CD as well as the other tim scott catalog can be found all over.

Here are a few of many sites where you can hear samples or get copies of the tracks from this CD [NOTE: music streaming sites are born, thrive and sometimes struggle and die, so not all of these links are necessarily still good. I last checked them all on 15 Sep 2023 and they are all defunct except PayPlay.]

  • Spotify and iTunes
  • PayPlay http://payplay.fm/timpscott5
  • Tradebit = muerto!
  • GroupieTunes = muerto!
  • MusicIsHere = muerto!
  • GreatIndieMusic = defunct!

Here is a sample track from this release to whet your appetite (not exactly sure where all the Spanish titles came from but there you have it.)

Brutalidad y homicidas
(4:10) from “Canciones de mi hermano electronico”
©2006 tim p scott
(click (triangle) to play)

Fol de Rol remix?

As noted on the CD Baby page for this release, it turned out that after the CD was manufactured, we noticed a defect in the mastering of Track 8 “Fol de Rol”.

I’m giving all this detail to maybe help another self-producer avoid a similar problem.

It looks like this is what happened. This track as mixed had little stereo image (since a lot of electronic instruments were used.) So in order to artificially increase the stereo spread of the track, some amateur (i.e., probably me) added a small delay to the mid-high frequencies. Sometimes this can work to artificially stereo-ize a near-mono source but unfortunately in this case it had the effect of shifting the stereo stage annoyingly to the right. This is particularly noticeable in the first part of the track. [Note to solo producers: this is another reason it’s always good to have another set of (hopefully educated) ears check out your tracks.] Running regular statistics on the track didn’t show the problem, the RMS values of the left and right channels over the whole track are essentially equal. You have to listen to it.

We’ve remixed and remastered the track to fix this error, and want to make it available to anyone who bought “Canciones…” (or anyone at all really). Just drop us an email and we’ll send you a link to the revised version. (I’ve also included it below if you want to just listen to it.)

Fol de Rol (FixMix) [ to be added ]
(4:10) from “Canciones de mi hermano electronico”
©2006, 2009 tim p scott
(click (triangle) to play)

Page#36 / last edited 2023-09-15